Class of 2028, Meet Your OIS Counselors!

Head Counselors

Mina Aral's picture

Mina Aral, BK '26, Turkey

Hello everyone!

My name is Mina (she/her), and I’m from Istanbul, Turkey. I’m a rising junior in Berkeley College. My major trajectory evolved from Psychology to Computer Science to Cognitive Science. The latest stop—for now—is CS, but feel free to reach out if you share a similar indecisiveness! I’d be happy to brainstorm with you :)

I love art, painting, films, and books. Although it did not align with my major, I did Directed Studies (DS) in my first year at Yale and thoroughly enjoyed it. One of my favorite things on campus is wandering around and appreciating the beautiful architecture at any time of the day, especially during sunset.

On campus, I’ve worked in various jobs. Last year, I was a Turkish language tutor and an OISS Peer Liaison (PL) [it’s a wonderful job with amazing people, and please do join the events they organize and get to know your PLs :) You will not regret it!]. Currently, I’m a Berkeley College aide and a teaching assistant for the Turkish language course. I’m also involved in WGiCS (Women & Gender Minorities in CS) and the International Students’ Organization (ISO), both of which are wonderful communities.

Being a counselor in OIS last year was an incredible experience for me, and I’m super excited to welcome you all on campus this August! Until then, please feel free to reach out; I’d be happy to chat about anything!

Mike Masamvu's picture

Mike Masamvu, MC '26, Zimbabwe

Good people!!

My name is Mike Masamvu, and l am a rising junior in Morse College. I was born and bred in Zimbabwe, but l attended my high school in South Africa. At Yale, l am a Computer Science and Economics major because of my passion for tech, finance, and entrepreneurship. I do entrepreneurial research work with the Yale School of Management, and l am part of the Yale African Students Association. During my free time, l love playing tennis, kicking the ball at the soccer fields, or chatting with friends. I also love traveling and seeing the world because l never got to do much of that when l was a kid. Last spring break, l visited four European countries, and hopefully, l can get to do more of that over the summer! Feel free to say hi when you see me or reach out if you want to chat about anything (cause l am surprisingly very good at chatting about anything even when l don't know anything, lol). I can't wait to welcome y'all on campus in the fall!

Agnes Sjoeblad's picture

Agnes Sjöblad, BF '26, Sweden

Hello everyone,

My name is Agnes and I am a rising junior from Lund, Sweden who came to Yale after two years at UWC Red Cross Nordic in Norway and a very inspiring gap semester in France!

At Yale I am a proud Branford-resident and Humanities and Political Science double-major, who spent most of her first year doing Directed Studies. During the day you can usually find me in the Law School Library (natural light!) or power-walking between the Humanities Quadrangle and the Branford courtyard. In my spare time, I like running, looking at art, and drinking coffee while having philosophical conversations—at varying levels of seriousness—with my friends. On campus, I among other things work as a Student Guide for the Yale Center for British Art and am President of the Scandinavian Society.

I couldn’t be more excited to welcome all of you to campus in just a few months - until then, enjoy your Summer and read your emails from OISS!


Irmak Akdogan's picture

Irmak Akdogan, SY '27, Turkey

Hello everyone! My name is Irmak (any pronouns), I'm a rising sophomore in Saybrook college. I’m a prospective Physics major with a great interest in Linguistics (will it turn into a second major? Stay tuned!). If you have any questions about the STEM side of Yale or the Linguistics department, I’m your guy. I looove crocheting, drawing, playing card games, the color yellow, cats, and math. Outside class I’m involved with ISO (International Student Organization) and Amoriem Labs (Game Development Studio). I work as a tutor for the Turkish language program and I conduct research on globular clusters with Prof. Bellinger. You can usually find me whining at the depths of Bass Library or hanging out with my friends at the Saybrook dining hall. I’m really excited to get to know you and have a lot of fun together at OIS!

Maya Ashaboglu's picture

Maya Ashaboglu, TC '26, Turkey

Hi everyone!
My name is Maya and I am from Istanbul, Turkey. I’m a rising junior in Trumbull and am double majoring in Cognitive Science and Economics. My focus within the Cognitive Science major is Decision Making and Behavioral Economics! Throughout my first two years, I've loved exploring the intersection of Economics and Psychology. Although not related to my major, I've also greatly enjoyed taking English classes, since I love to read and write.

At Yale, I'm involved with the Yale Daily News and the International Students' Organization. You can also find me downstairs in the Law School, as that's where I work as a Computer Assistant. I love music, books, walks around campus and quality time with friends over a cup of coffee. I'm always super excited to share my experience at Yale and am looking forward to talking about absolutely anything that may be on your mind. I can't wait to welcome all of you on campus!

Sanaa Carrimjee's picture

Sanaa Carrimjee, MY '27, The United Arab Emirates and The United Kingdom

Hi everyone! My name is Sanaa, and I am a rising sophomore ('27) in Pauli Murray College! I am originally Indian, but was born in London, and lived there for a while, before moving to Dubai! I'm currently aiming to be a Cognitive Science Major, but have a host of varied interests!

On campus, I spend my time as a member of the Yale Women's Leadership Initiative, on the Board of the Nourish Project (a Dwight Hall Organization), researching for Stop Solitary ( a project for the Yale Prison Education Initiative), and working at the Women's Center! I love exploring Campus, hanging out with my friends, and finding fun activities to do!

I am spending the first part of my summer interning with an NGO in London, and then am super excited to be coming back to Yale as an OIS Counselor. OIS was an amazing stepping stone into my life at Yale, and I am so excited to get to know so many of you! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or just want to chat about anything!

Kenny Cheng's picture

Kenny Cheng, MY '27, China and Singapore

Welcome to Yale! My name is Kenny and I am a rising sophomore ('27) in Pauli Murray College planning to do a BS/MS in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. I am a Chinese citizen that grew up in Singapore and went to boarding school in England for 7 years. Outside of the classroom, I carry out RNA research in the Breaker lab and work as an Editorial Associate at the Yale School of Medicine and Medicine Magazine. I'm also a member of Club Swimming and love staying active, especially with music pumping in the background. OIS Camp Yale was one of my favourite experiences at Yale during my first-year and I can't wait to meet you all!

Juliano Dantas Portela's picture

Juliano Dantas Portela, TD '27, Brazil

Hey everyone! I'm Juliano Portela, a rising sophomore in Timothy Dwight College from Manaus, Brazil, majoring in Computer Science & Linguistics!

To tell you a little about myself, I love learning new languages (make sure to teach me some phrases in your language), playing Brazilian music, reading poetry, coding, and traveling!

At Yale, I’m a researcher in the Linguistics Department, work at the Student Technology Collaborative, am the president of the council of the Brazil Club at Yale, and the president of the Yale Brazilian Music Collective.

Yale is undescribable. The people you meet, the things you experience and everything else are something that you wouldn't find anywhere else. One of my favorite parts of coming here was getting involved in the international community, so I hope that this year I can help spread our beautiful “internationality” even more across Yale!

Wineth De Zoysa's picture

Wineth De Zoysa, SM '26, Japan and Sri Lanka

Hi Everyone!! My name is Wineth (he/him/his) and I'm from Colombo, Sri Lanka, but my family lives in Yokohama, Japan! I am a rising junior in Silliman College (the best), and am planning on double majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Ethnicity, Race & Migration. At Yale, I am involved in SLAY (Sri Lankans at Yale!), the International Students Organisation, Yale Queer+Asian, MedSci at Yale and the South Asian Youth Initiative (SAYI). I also work at the OISS Office and will be a Peer Liaison for the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC).

I am a huge foodie (shoutout House of Naan), and also love photography (always, always, always have my DigiCam on hand to take flicks of my friends), drinking coffee (Jitterbus!!), lounging in the sun, eating tropical fruits and buldak ramen (never together), thrifting (got the best pair of overalls this Spring Break in Japan!) and when I'm not lazy, hiking East Rock with my friends. My favourite study spots on campus include Cross Campus on a sunny day, Tsai CITY, the SilliButt (Silliman Buttery) and the Good Life Center. I also love yapping. OIS was an incredibly formative experience for me these past 2 years, and I hope that you will feel the same way post-Camp Yale! <3

Maria Samantha Fajardo's picture

Sam Fajardo, BF '27, Philippines

Hi 2028! My name is Sam and I’m from the Philippines. I’m a rising sophomore in Franklin and plan to major in Ethics, Politics, and Economics. On campus, I’m involved in 17o1 Records, Yale’s student-run record label, and Kasama, the Filipino Club. I love thrifting, design, traveling with friends, cheap film cameras, flora, and spicy food. Soak up home and have a fun summer before college – can't wait to meet you all, you're going to love it here!

Beata Fylkner's picture

Beata Fylkner, BK '26, Sweden

Hi everyone! I'm Beata (although most people call me Bea); a rising junior from Stockholm, Sweden, living in Berkeley College and studying Political Science and Global Affairs. I am interested in comparative politics and political philosophy, with a focus on all things related to democracy, and am involved in the Yale Institution for Social Policy Studies' research program on Democratic Innovations. Outside of class, I spend most of my time dancing with the Yale Modern Dance Company, cooking/serving/eating with Yale Pop-Up, working as a college aide, and sharing anecdotes with my friends, but believe me when I tell you I am ready and excited to chat about WHATEVER you may have on your mind. So excited to welcome you to this special place!!!

Matias Guevara Ruales's picture

Matias Guevara Ruales, JE '26, Ecuador

Hi everyone!

My name is Matías (he/him) and I'm from Ecuador. As a counselor in OIS the main thing you should know about me is that I'll literally talk to you about anything so if you have something on you mind don't hesitate to bring it up. That goes for everything from questions about life at Yale and academic interests to stuff about your background, social life, or like opinions on movies. Even with more personal things, I'm always down to talk.

Other stuff about me... My interests are very much in the humanities (although I started out as an EP&E major), particularly in literature and film. I did do Directed Studied as a first-year, which is a rewarding struggle we can talk about. On campus, my main extracurricular is the Spring Fling committee, which plans the coolest and biggest concert of of the yeaaar + some other fun musical events here and there. Other than that I go on walks, read (mostly for classes) and take time for myself—really don't stress about doing too many clubs your first year. In terms of music I love Rosalia, Sofi Tukker, Frank Ocean, Sam Smith, Lorde, and recently Elvis. Ok I'll wrap up.

I'm so excited to meet you all, I know you will love OIS and meet a lot of your support network like so many of my friends and I did when we were participants. Really use your counselors as resources, we all have a year or more of Yale experience which is so valuable as a first-year, and we all want to help you! See you soon.

Emile Izere's picture

Emile Izere, TC '27, Rwanda

My name is Emile Izere, and I am from Rwanda. I am part of the class of 2027 and I live in Trumbull College. I am majoring in Computer Science and Economics. Outside of class, I enjoy watching soccer games, listening to music, sharing stories and jokes, reading, and watching movies. In addition to English, I can communicate in French and Kinyarwanda, and I also understand a bit of Kiswahili. I'm so excited to meet all of you!!!

Hiroko Kawase's picture

Hiroko Kawase, TC '26, Hong Kong and Japan and The United Kingdom

Hey Everyone!
My name is Hiroko and I am a rising junior in Trumbull College! I am from Japan but have lived in Hong Kong and London.

I am currently a cognitive science major in the education studies program with a certificate in Chinese. On campus, I work as a tour guide and am involved in a lot of education related volunteering and research. I also debate on the Yale Debate Association – super fun! In my free time, I enjoy exploring New Haven's restaurants, hanging out with friends on cross campus, and trying to convert my American friends to use celsius :) I came to college both excited and nervous but OIS was such a warm and welcoming community so I couldn’t be more excited to be back as a counsellor!

Devika Kothari's picture

Devika Kothari, ES '27, India

Hey everyone! My name is Devika (she/her), and I was born and raised in Mumbai, India. I’m a rising sophomore in Ezra Stiles College, and I’m planning on majoring in Psychology and English with a possible certificate in Education Studies. I’m also involved with the South Asian Youth Initiative, the Affective Science and Culture Lab, the Record Magazine, and the Red Hot Poker sketch comedy group.

I’m so excited to be a Peer Liaison and OIS Counselor next year, and welcome you to the place that has quickly become my second home. Please feel free to reach out! I’m happy to chat or answer any questions you might have. The international community at Yale has been one of the most welcoming and supportive spaces for me, and I'm really excited to be a part of your journey here! I can’t wait to meet all of you in August :)

Tetsu Kurumisawa's picture

Tetsu Kurumisawa, BF '25, Japan

Hi all! I'm Tetsu, a rising junior in Branford, originally from Tokyo, Japan, and majoring in cognitive science.
A little bit about myself: I'm a huge football (or as some here call it, soccer) fan, musical enthusiast, and amateur poker player. Outside of class, I'm involved in musicals, acapella, intramural sports, and the Japanese American Students Union. Come talk to me about anything from cogsci to sports, or just how jet lagged you are. Can't wait to see all of you!! Get excitedddddd :))

Crystal Liu's picture

Crystal Liu, PC '26, China

Hi everyone! I am Crystal (she/her) from Shanghai, China. I am returning from a gap year to start my junior year. I am an MCDB major and a proud Piersonite. I also take classes in linguistics, psychology, and French. Outside classes and lab, you can find me involved with CUSY (Chinese Undergraduate Students at Yale), Vermilion Theater, Club Jump Rope, and intramural volleyball. During my free time, I make boba runs, listen to Mandopop and Cantopop, and watch TV in my room. During my gap year, I explored career options, my personality, and the world (mainly Asia tbh). Come chat with me about anything between lab selection, human nature, and traveling and concerts!

I can't wait to welcome all of you in a few months!

Kamal Mahamud's picture

Kamal Mahamud, BF '27, Kenya

What’s up guys! My name is Kamal and I’m a rising sophomore in Benjamin Franklin College. I was born in the US, lived in Australia for some time, and have spent the better part of my life in Nairobi, Kenya. I'm keeping my options open, but I'm leaning towards majoring in either S&DS or CS.

On campus, I’m involved in the Yale African Students Association (YASA) and the Yale Undergraduate Consulting Group (YUCG). I'm excited to be serving as a CCE next year too! When I'm not busy with classes or extracurriculars, I enjoy playing tennis and pickle ball, listening to afrobeats, picking up new languages, and going out with friends. Adjusting to a new place can be both exciting and tough, and I've been there myself. I'm here to help you make the most of your Yale experience and have a great time along the way. Feel free to reach out anytime!

Zeyna Malik's picture

Zeyna Malik, JE '27, The United Kingdom

Hi everyone! My name is Zeyna and I’m a rising sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College planning to double major in Economics and Humanities.

I’m from London but am originally Pakistani. At Yale, I’ve spent most of my first year in Directed Studies and would be happy to answer any questions about my DS experience. On campus, I’m involved with YPAK (Yalies for Pakistan) and work as a tour guide at the Yale Center for British Art.

I did OIS last summer and met a bunch of my closest friends at Yale through the program so am super excited to be back this summer as a counselor!

Ronald Milgo's picture

Ronald Milgo, DC '27, Kenya

Hey everyone!

I’m Ronald Milgo, a rising sophomore in Davenport College and most importantly I’m from Nairobi, Kenya! I am a Computer Science major.

With a profound passion for computer science and all things tech, I am dedicated to helping you navigate your exciting new journey at Yale. Feel free to hit me up if we have the same interests. On campus, you’d find me involved with the Yale Computer Society (Y/Cs), and the Yale African Students Association (YASA). In those groups, I got to meet friends who became family during my first year. Being international, I must admit that that was so instrumental in building my new home here at Yale. I’m also a member of the marketing board of the International Students’ Organization (ISO). In my free time, you would find me playing pool with my friends or watching some aviation documentaries (might have a passion in aviation too lol).

I’m really looking forward to meeting you this coming fall during OIS and do lots of fun activities that you’ll remember throughout Yale. I’m so excited, so should you!!!!

AJ Nakash's picture

AJ Nakash, TD '26, Jamaica

Hi, I’m AJ, I’m a rising Junior in TD and I’m from Kingston, Jamaica. I’m pursuing an Econ major with a Stats certificate, but I always try to find random fun classes to sprinkle into my schedule so it doesn’t get too boring.
Some of my greatest hits include: History of Food, Material Cultures of the Early Modern Mediterranean, Furniture and American Life, Electronic Dance Music, and Digital Photography.
Outside of the classroom, I’m constantly finding random ways to create: most recently laser cutting a 5 foot 8 replica of my residential college’s clock tower, entirely out of mirrored acrylic (mirrored acrylic selfie from a separate laser cutting project attached).
Feel free to reach out with any questions you have, or if you need any help finding classes to take or just random ways to fill your time!

Lucas Ogawa's picture

Lucas Ogawa, BF '27, Hong Kong and Japan

Hey everyone!

My name is Lucas Ogawa and I'm a rising sophomore in Benjamin Franklin College. I was born in Tokyo but mainly grew up in Hong Kong. For now, I'm planning on majoring in CS + Econ but I am also considering other majors like Stats & Data Science and Global Affairs.

On campus, I'm involved in Club Soccer, JASU (Japanese American Students Union), HKSA (Hong Kong Students Association) and the ISO (International Students Organization). Next year, I'll also be a Peer Liaison for the AACC (Asian American Cultural Center) and might try my hand at some research. In my free time, I also like to play intramural sports, play the guitar, (occasionally) go on morning runs and hang out in Yale's buttery and common rooms with my friends. I'm always down to chat about anything and I'm really excited to meet everyone soon :)

Ali Otuzoglu's picture

Ali Otuzoglu, SM '27, Turkey

Hello fellow internationals! My name is Ali Otuzoglu, and I am a rising sophomore in Silliman College studying economics and cognitive science.

I did the intense first-year humanities program Directed Studies, and am planning to become a Yale Journalism Scholar. I am also a ceramic sculptor, but also enjoy gouache and mixed-media (@artbyaliotuzoglu on Instagram). Over the summer, I’m planning to organize an educational equity project called Anatolian Classroom in earthquake-stricken regions of Turkey. On campus, I’m a writer and Instagram editor for the Yale Daily News, first-year liaison for the International Students Organization, singer and Business Manager for the a cappella group Pitches and Tones, member of the consulting club Urban Philanthropic Fund, and speaker events director of the Salus Populi Foundation. I’ve been playing piano for 13 years.

Please do not hesitate to email me for questions or introductions!

Hannah Qin's picture

Hannah Qin, TC '26, Canada

Hey everyone!

My name is Hannah (she/her), and I'm a rising junior in Trumbull. My family is from China, but I was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. I’m pre-med and doing a double major in E&EB and HSHM with a certificate in French. On campus, I volunteer with HAVEN Free Clinic, am a part of the Ski team, and conduct research at the medical school. I'm also co-president of the Canadian Club! Two of my go-to snacks from the Elm are the cucumber ice cream (weird, but surprisingly good) and the matcha chia seed pudding. I also love oil painting, and one of my favorite study spots is the Haas Arts Library!

I can’t wait to introduce you to our amazing international community. OIS has been one of my most formative experiences at Yale, and I hope it will be memorable for you too. See you all soon!

Tiago Rocha Nogueira's picture

Tiago Rocha Nogueira, ES '27, Brazil

Hey everyone! My name is Tiago, I am a rising sophomore in Ezra Stiles college from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I am super excited to meet you all in August!

I plan on being an Ethics, Politics and Economics major with a certificate in Data Science, but I have always been (and still am) very indecisive about what to study and what I want to do with my life so please don't hesitate to bring me your life dilemmas, and don't feel pressured to have it all figured out!
I generally love philosophizing about how people think and communicate with each other, especially in the context of politics and economics. Outside of class, I am a member of the Yale Brazilian Music Collective, an Usher for the Yale School of Music, and love participating in intramural sports and political party debates!

If you have any questions or queries, no matter how small, I'm always just an email away :)

Mert Tarim's picture

Mert Tarim, BF '27, Turkey

Hi everyone - first of all, congratulations and welcome to Yale! My name is Mert and I am a rising sophomore in Benjamin Franklin College from Istanbul, Turkey.

I am currently planning on majoring in electrical engineering, but I am also taking some history classes to see how it goes. Outside classes, I’m involved in the ISO (International Students Organization), Bulldogs Racing (Yale’s Formula SAE Racing Team), and Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics. In my free time, I like hanging out with friends in one of the many residential college butteries, playing in the Intramurals to represent Franklin, and watching some films if I can pick one from an unreasonably long watchlist.

OIS will be an amazing experience for all of you and you will meet tons of great people from all over the world. I am so excited to meet all of you and until then please feel free to reach out to ask any questions you have in your mind - or just to chat about anything!

Proud Ua-arak's picture

Proud Ua-arak, SM '27, Thailand

Hi everyone - a huge congratulations to you all and welcome to Yale! My name is Proud Ua-arak, a rising sophomore from Bangkok, Thailand pursuing a biomedical engineering degree and a certificate in Chinese. Outside of classes, I design human-robot communication systems in Professor Scassellati’s social robotics lab, write for the Yale Scientific Magazine, teach a healthcare entrepreneurship masterclass, play basketball at the Silligym, and hunt for New Haven culinary delights with friends, among other things!

If you ask any Yalie what their favorite thing about Yale is, “community” is a word you won’t fail to hear, but you’ll soon understand why. The people I met at OIS last year instantly became a loving home away from home for me when I first arrived, which is so valuable for us internationals who are not only adjusting to university life, but also life in a completely new country. We’re all so excited to meet you all in the fall and welcome you into this vibrant community with open arms!

Sude Ulu's picture

Sude Ulu, TD '27, Turkey

Hey everyone, welcome to Yale!!! My name is Sude, and I’m from Istanbul, Turkey. I’m a rising sophomore in Timothy Dwight College, hoping to double major in economics and psychology. At Yale, I started learning French with the intensive courses, and am now pursuing the French language certificate. I will be in Paris this summer with a Yale Study Abroad program, and I would love to share my experience with international opportunities at Yale!

I love traveling, art, cats, and exploring cafes. You can find me strolling around campus, trying out cafes in New Haven, or hanging out with my friends on the hammocks in the TD courtyard! I had an amazing time and met some of my best friends during OIS last year, so I am so looking forward to experiencing it again this year as a counselor. Please feel free to reach out to me about any questions, or simply to say hi :) I can't wait to meet all of you!

Martin Vakoc's picture

Martin Vakoc, ES '26, Czechia

Hey! I am a rising Junior from Prague, Czech Republic.

Jingqi Yang's picture

Jingqi Yang, GH '26, China

Hello everyone! My name is Jingqi Yang (she/they), and I’m a rising junior in Grace Hopper College from Beijing, China!

I’m majoring in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry (MB&B) at Yale. Besides being a biochem nerd, I’m also interested in cognitive science, disability studies, and language learning. Last summer, I studied abroad in Siena, Italy for two months and began studying Italian, which I continue to this day. Outside of academics, I’m involved with Chinese Undergraduate Students at Yale (CUSY), our club for Chinese international students. I am also conducting research on fruit flies at the Carlson Lab, where I will be spending the majority of my summer this year before OIS starts!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about classes, study abroad, research, or anything else! I’m so excited to meet you all this summer!

Nicholas Yee's picture

Nicholas Yee, BK '27, Hong Kong and United States of America

Hi! I'm Nick, a rising sophomore in Berkeley College! I spent my entire life in Hong Kong, but my family also has roots in Boston, MA where I moved a couple of months ago!

I am currently a History and Global Affairs major, seeking a certificate in Japanese! On campus, I play for the Yale Men's Club Volleyball Team (go Bulldogs!), am involved in the Chinese American Student Association (CASA) and the Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA), and also conduct research for the Yale Policy Institute (Hate Crime Prevention/Restorative Justice).

In my free time, I enjoy learning the guitar, taking photos, and talking about why Hong Kong is the greatest place in the world :) OIS was really helpful for me as I was able to build close relationships with my counselors, who have become important friends and mentors throughout my first year at Yale. I couldn't be more excited to meet you all!